Peer production and local governance through the Blockchain
Local Ledger - 29th March at Raylab, London with Lara, Lisa, Teresa, Alexei, Pete, Amit, Mikey, Ruth
These notes are incomplete - please improve - page 4
Mixed voices
How is reality perceived by groups Step in and out of the picture and then reconfigure the characters Borough states - anarchistic (city state Italy) An indivudal economy going on part of a global super state - looking over the whole planet People are happy - they are in charge of their social economic and political A flourishment of barter economy of emotion, non quantitive currency Distinct and practical - they make a intrinsically motivated to do what they best at Vulnerable people - chronically ill - their needs are addressed by the community We all have individual access to global market and supplies Transcendence supercedes death - into a digital world - ginormous amounts of data collected and stored digital beings - they would need these data banks to be filled with data and constantly growing. coming from our spinal tap Location bound The box - provides communications - with antenna they communicate with each other how do people It's about powering up a very local economy - you help your frail neighbour
how does this disrupt local inequalities and promote local justice Alexie currently provides free computer fixing service - that would otherwise be a perfectly viable business. - it would be possible for local hospital to come to you to address their computer networking needs (though there are questions about qualifications and expertise)
It's tied to locality - to adapt an existing system - like council tax, a monthly charge made to a collective kitty First we need to think about existing services. These books represent a local library (a public services) waste
AMIT says - What is the social function of council tax civic society - in opposition to the state what we are drawing is an ecology of services
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